The latest installment in the popular Call of Duty franchise, Warzone 2, brings an array of thrilling new features but is not without its glitches. One persistent issue is the loadout glitch, where players encounter difficulties customizing their loadouts or experiencing discrepancies between the customized loadout and the one appearing in-game. This guide will provide a step-by-step walkthrough on how to resolve the loadout glitch effectively and enhance your gaming experience.
Understanding the Loadout Glitch
The loadout glitch often manifests in two primary forms: missing equipment and altered weapon attachments. Players may find their selected items missing upon spawning, hindering their performance. Additionally, customized weapon attachments might not appear as expected, causing discrepancies between the intended and actual configurations.
Troubleshooting Methods
- Restart Warzone 2
- Check for Game Updates
Before delving into more complex solutions, it’s advisable to restart Warzone 2 and check for any available game updates. Occasionally, minor glitches can be rectified by simply restarting the game’s processes.
- Confirm Loadout Selection
Ensure the intended loadout is selected when deploying into a match. Loadout mix-ups can occur if multiple custom loadouts exist. Double-check your selection to verify that the desired loadout is equipped before spawning.
- Inspect Equipped Items
Players may also experience missing equipment due to a visual bug. If this occurs, inspect the equipped items to confirm they are present. The glitch often conceals the items without actually removing them from your inventory.
- Modify Loadout Slot
If the previous methods prove unsuccessful, consider making adjustments to the specific loadout slot associated with the glitch. Select a different custom loadout slot, modify its contents, and then return to the original slot. This may reset the loadout configurations and resolve the issue.
- Disable Custom Loadouts
In rare instances, disabling custom loadouts may be necessary. Navigate to the loadout settings, select the “Default” option, and deploy into a match. Once in-game, customize your equipment as desired and return to the loadout screen. Activate a custom loadout slot and check if the glitch persists.
- Reinstall Warzone 2
As a last resort, consider reinstalling Warzone 2. A corrupted game installation can lead to various glitches. Reinstalling the game ensures a fresh and updated installation, potentially resolving issues related to faulty data.
How To Fix Loadout Glitch Warzone 2
By following the troubleshooting methods outlined in this guide, you can effectively resolve the loadout glitch in Warzone 2 and restore the intended functionality of your custom loadouts. Remember to check for game updates, confirm loadout selection, disable custom loadouts if necessary, and ultimately reinstall the game if the issue persists. With these solutions, you can confidently customize your loadouts and enhance your gameplay experience in Warzone 2.